Vertexco is the successor of the former Boehme Belgium, established in 1992 as a distributor for textile auxiliaries.
In order to strengthen local representation and to round out our range, Vertexco n.v. announces the take-over of the commercial activities of the Ets Stiernon Company. Ets Stiernon is a manufacturer of auxiliary products and also distributes the Alpasud S.A. dyes in Belgium, the Netherlands and in Germany. Customer relations and smooth, mutual communication are very important to us. That is why we are pleased to inform you of these latest developments at Vertexco. R. Stiernon is a reputable supplier with many years of experience. The company’s primary activity is just the same as ours: the delivery of auxiliary products and dyes for the textile sector. The Stiernon Company has decided to refocus on its original speciality, namely the customer-oriented production of dyes via the company Alpasud in France. The sales and distribution of these dyes and the production of the auxiliaries for the Benelux and Germany are being taken over by Vertexco. More than in a simple take-over, the goal here is the creation of a close cooperation between the companies Alpasud and Vertexco, each contributing its own specific expertise and possibilities. The take-over will not result in any appreciable changes for you, except for the order. The products that you currently purchase from us will in fact continue to be available at the same conditions, but they will now be supplemented with an even wider range of products. Our new structure changes nothing with regard to the fact that we will continue to distribute the dyes from Dystar, as we previously did, on the Belgium market.